Tracing the Roots: An Anthology of Poems That You Should Read In All Seasons

May 19, 2017

Nature is enigmatic. It has manifold mysteries and mechanism that make us marvel. There is the switching of sun and moon in a day and there are the changing of seasons. There also the involvement of proximity and sizes like stars scattered above the earth that are part of the universe.  Its unpredictability can influence a human heart. This is the biggest source of my work which I published in Wattpad. I dared to present my anthology of poems entitled Tracing the Roots. It took me more than seven months to finished writing and editing my 100 poems that discuss romance and rejection using the things and phenomena that are transpiring in the environment where we are living.

Publishing this anthology is significant to me. I have been dreaming of presenting my pieces to all especially to all poetry enthusiasts. I can say that I am trying hard in writing, but things become successful if I work hard. So, I spent days and nights just to make this thing possible. Before, I was afraid of presenting my writings to other people. I am the person who easily gets frustrated on criticisms. But, I have now temerity to unbosom my thoughts in the form of stanzas as I tried to be rejected by many people. I am not afraid anymore of getting rejected. I have strengthened my heart and I think I can handle or face all unwanted circumstances ahead of me.

Well, the primary reason why I concocted this anthology is that this my gift dedicated to someone whom I really adore, but she cannot be with me anymore. I hope that she will have the time to read the poems that I dedicate to her. (Asa pa more).

Let's stop my senti mode. Why is it that this is an anthology that you should read in all seasons? The poems embody human feelings/ emotions that are likened into things that are existing or found in the environment. The poems can carry you in different seasons. You can reminisce memories you have in winter or summer maybe these are good or hapless. I tried my best to evoke various feelings in my poems with a touch of nature. As the summer ends, I hope that you will feel nostalgic or relax with my poems as you face the rainy season. Please read it here:

I hope that you will have time interact with me. Don't forget to share my works if you enjoyed them. 

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